Life Coaching Classes w/ Jason Miller

Find More Success in Relationships, Health, or Business!

Reinvent Your New Life Today!

Sports Coaching : Trained with more than 20 years of PE Teaching and Sport Coaching Experience

Relationship Coaching: Assisting people of all ages with developing successful, trusting, and long lasting relationships.

Stress Management:

Learn how to train your brain to respond differently to stressful situations, as well as the importance of creating a healthier, more positive perspective in your daily life.

Career Advice:

Build a business or attain that position you always dreamed of through a deeper understanding of effort, hard work, and dedication. 

Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching

When is NOW a good time?

There will always be reasons to start at another time.

But NOW has to be a good time at some point.

Make the choice for it to be NOW!


What Is Life Coaching?

A Source of Motivation

Life Coaches often serve as sources of motivation and inspiration by pushing clients to find their true potential. Sometimes clients need help navigating through obstacles that prevent success. Life Coaches are certified professionals with special techniques that can help motivate clients to get back on track, stay on track, and achieve their dreams. Life Coaches are more like Personal Trainers of the Mind.

Goal Mapping & Strategy

Through effective strategy-building techniques, Life Coaches can help their clients learn how to accomplish their goals in an efficient manner by developing essential questions about their goals and helping them plan solutions for achieving them. The Life Coaches can then help the clients to build strategies that will be the most effective ways to implement the desired changes.

Accountability Factor

Not only do Life Coaches help clients realize and create actionable goals, they also hold clients accountable for reaching those goals. They monitor clients by checking in with them at specific times to help them with any issues such as lack of motivation or challenges and keep them on track toward the achievement of their set goals.

How Do I Know If Coaching is Right For Me?

Simple. If you have been spending valuable time with recurring thoughts of uncertainty and not sure of what to do next with your life or the choices you need to make in it. Life Coaches will be there to listen , then collaborate with you to create custom plans for short and long term initiatives of success that can help to clear a path towards your goals and dreams. Life Coaches clear a path for a future that is easier to see.   

“It could be 3am, I could be stuck in a ditch somewhere, Jay would be that guy I would call. He’d be there, no problem. He’s just that guy. “

Coach Joe Zaccone

Head Football Coach , Point Pleasant High School

How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

The first step is to get to know each other.  The rest will naturally work after that. We will then figure out the basics of the success plan.  


Choose a Coaching Plan

After a success plan is developed, you can decide which coaching package will best fit your budget and schedule. We are here for you. 

Reach Your Goals

Regardless of the plan chosen, we will get you to a better place of self preservation and help you learn to find the power within to continue to find long term health and wellness on your own. 

Coach – 4 – Life Package

More Details

,*”Path to Personal Success” Guided Workbook                                                                                                                                              * Weekly Coaching Session – Virtual or In-Person – 60 min session  @ 1 per week                                                                  * * Weekly Telephone Meeting – 30 min session @ 1 per week 
* Receive the Mentor Motivation Monthly Newsletter                                                                                                                              * 24hr. Customer Service and technical support                                                                                                                                            * Monthly Personal Success Outline

* 1 Full Day Excursion – Virtual, Guided, or in-Person/ per year (location permitting)(within 300 miles)( only after 6 months)



4 Week Coaching Package

More Details

* 1 TRAINING DAY Excursion (6 hrs.) – Virtual, Guided, or In-Person (location permitting)(within 250 miles).

* The “Path to Personal Success” Guided Workbook

* 4 Weekly Coaching sessions- (Virtual or In-Person) @ 1 per week (60 min)
* 4 Telephone Sessions @ 1 per week (30 min) + 1 Introductory Call
* A Personal Success Outline
* 24/7 Customer Service Email Support

8 Week Coaching Package

More Details

* 2 TRAINING DAY Excursions (12 hrs.)- Virtual, Guided, or In-Person ( location permitting)(within 250 miles)

* The ” Path to Personal Success” Guided Workbook

* 8 Weekly Coaching sessions- (Virtual or In-Person)@ 1 per week (60 min)
* 8 Telephone Sessions @ 1 per week (30 min) + 1 Introductory call
* Monthly Personal Success Outline 
* 24/7 Customer Service Email Support

Have Questions?